The pencil and paper have been my favorite means of expression from the time I can remember. The feel of the pencil scratching away on paper always gave me a sense of utter fulfillment and peace. Though I love experimenting with different materials and styles, drawing on real paper is something that has my heart. I also love the digital medium for the flexibility it provides and the ease to do multiple things.
Illustration is a mix of both these mediums. It is a journey.
A journey through my thought, learnings, experiments, feelings, a journey of my art.

Merry J-rock Band


Beyond the door – Keyhole painting

Osiris Rising


The Dark Side – Kyo Portrait

Kai Fanart

Uruha Fanart

ooo Totchi – Toshiya Fanart

Shinya Fanart

Ruki Fanart

Thoughtful – Kai Fanart

Tear me Apart – Die Fanart

Reverence – Miyavi Fanart

Kawaii Kyo Portrait

Lost in Translation – Kyo Fanart

Toshiya Portrait

Die on Guitar Portrait

Asagi Fanart



Dissolve into the Twilight Sky

Kisuke x Yoruichi – Bleach Fanart

Save the Bunnies

Yuki x Shigeru – Akkan Baby Fanart